‘During the Movement Phase, Great Old Ones may attempt to use Cultists to reinforce occupied Nodes or attempt to open Gateways across Ley Lines to other Nodes.’
Cultists and Servitors normally move only one (1) space (Node-to-Node) along a Ley Line at a time. No Cultist or Servitor may end their turn on Ley Lines between Nodes – if this occurs; tokens are lost to the Void and removed from the board.
On their turn, a Great Old One must declare how many tokens she intends to move at the start of her movement turn and place them on a Ley line ‘in transit’ from one Node to the next. Great Old Ones must commit all the forces they will move prior to rolling for the effects of any Unstable Gates, and then determine if their forces make it across successfully.
On her turn, Kim decides to move three Cultists from one of her Nodes into an adjacent unoccupied Node, reinforce one of her positions by shifting two Cultists into a space where she has only one current Cultist token and torment one of Ben’s Nodes by sending in a single Cultist to attack his forces. Once she has decided what she wants to move and where and has positioned her forces on the Ley lines in preparation, she declares her movement complete. She rolls 3d6 to see whether her first set of Cultists make it across to the unoccupied Node and, as she does not roll any ‘1s’, she does not have to roll on the Gate Mishaps table, and they make it safely across. She immediately flips the Node counter revealing the ‘Andaman Islands’ and collects the appropriate Node card. Since Kim already controls two adjacent Nodes, the second set of Cultists make it across as reinforcements without incident; the Gate is already open and therefore ‘Stable’. Finally, Kim rolls for her single Cultist that intends to attack Ben but rolls a ‘1’ and so must roll again on the Gate Mishaps table to see what happens to her token. She rolls a ‘4’ and her unfortunate Cultist is cast into the Void.