Servitor Movement

‘Servitors are not affected by the Gate Mishaps Table as they are protected by their fell masters and may move from one Node to another at will during the Movement Phase baiting humans and attacking servants of the enemy. However, they may not end their turn in a space that is not controlled by the Cultists who summoned them.’

If for whatever reason the Cultists are removed from a location occupied by a Servitor, or as a result of combat only Servitors remain in a space, they must retreat to an adjacent Node controlled by their Cultists along the path from whence they came. This return movement is free and automatic. If however a Servitor is blocked from returning, perhaps by a spell that closes a Gate, or no controlled Node is available; they wink out of existence and are lost to the Void.

The only exception to this rule is the Serpent People as their Servitor Special Ability is that of holding Nodes.

If either the Cultists or Servitors of a Great Old One gain the ability to move more than one space at a time, they may only exercise this power through Nodes that are occupied by the Great Old One.


The Mi-Go’s Special Ability allows them to pierce the shroud and carry their Cultists through unoccupied spaces while their additional movement allows them to return two (2) spaces back to an occupied Node.

Movement may not occur through Nodes that are occupied by enemy forces. As soon as two opposing forces encounter one another, movement ceases and combat ensues.