Earth Nodes


  • Arkham—Shub-Niggurath’s Spawning Node

‘The hoary gambrels roofs of ancient and witch-haunted Arkham, sister city of dread Salem; lie in New England in the state of Massachusetts on the continent of North America.’

Power: Seat of power in the Earth Ring – once placed, cannot be moved.

  • Congo (T)

‘The darkest stretch of jungle on the planet, the Congo is home to many unplumbed mysteries including the Gray City populated by a strange race of Albino apes.’

Power: You may make one additional attack on any Node.
Use: Once per Turn.

  • McMurdo Sound (T)

‘In the depths of Antarctica, on the edge of the Ross Ice Shelf is the port of McMurdo – gateway to the icy plains of a continent that split with Australia 70 million years ago – home to the Shuggoths and even more ancient beings.’

Power: Replace any d4s in combat with d8s.
Use: Once per Turn.

  • Thebes (T)

‘Ritual city of the Pharaohs, half of which is devoted to huge ceremonial and funerary complexes known as the Necropolis.’

Power: Add a random Monster of your choice to any combat.
Use: Once per Turn.

  • Uluru (T)

‘This is a site of great spiritual significance to the Australian Aboriginal people. Petraglyhs recorded on the walls of the huge stone hark back to the time that the continent was linked with Gondwanaland and things Man was not meant to know wandered the world from the Great Race of Yith.’

Power: All your losses in combat are placed in this Node up to the stacking limit.
Use: Once per Turn.