Adjacent Node — Nodes directly connected to one another by Ley Lines.
Alchemical Elemental Ring — the inter-connected rings of similarly coloured Nodes radiating out from the centre of the Board representing the elements of Fire, Earth, Water, Air and Ether.
Arcana Card — part of the deck of cards used by players to assist in spawning, movement, combat, negating other cards, and summoning monsters.
Arcana Card Numbers — red is the cost to Negate the card, yellow is the additional Cultists acquired during Spawning, and blue is the modifier during the Conjunction Ritual).
Attacker — the player who initiates combat by moving forces into a Node occupied by another player.
Combat Phase — the fifth phase of a player’s turn, where the player resolves combat that occurs when they shift their forces into a Node occupied by another player.
Combat Pool — the group of dice representing either the Attacker or Defender’s forces.
Combat Value Table — a table showing the different number of dice for each type of unit: Cultist, Insane Cultist, Servitor, and Monster.
Conjunction Ritual Phase — the sixth phase of a player’s turn, where the player may attempt to achieve part of their winning conditiion by rolling 18 or less on three six-sided dice less further modifiers.
Conjunction Ritual Track — the space at the top of a Great Old One card where players collect each different-coloured Cultist token upon completing a successful Conjunction Ritual. When all spaces are full, they have achieved a Grand Conjunction.
Constellation Card — the card that shows the unique combination of Nodes where Conjunction Rituals must be performed and the Spawning Node for the player lies.
Controlled Node — a Node that is occupied by a player’s units.
Cosmic Clock — the Turn counter at the centre of the board, each numeral of which represents a round of play.
Cultists — tokens in the same colour as their respective Great Old One. May be sacrificed for Servitors.
Defender — the player who defends against incursions into their occupied Node by another player.
Dice — the six-sided dice used to decide combat, roll for Gate Mishaps effects, and random movement.
Discard Phase — the seventh and last phase of a player’s turn, when they can choose to discard Arcana cards from their hand to the discard pile.
Draw Arcana Phase — the first phase of a player’s turn, when they must make their hand back up to five cards (or more in special circumstances).
Elemental Special Cards — a special type of Event Card specific to each Great Old One. Either acts as an Event Card and must be played immediately or may be held in the hand of the appropriate Great Old One and used at their discretion.
Event Cards — special Arcana Cards that must be played immediately and then removed permanently from play and returned to the box. Note the exception around Elemental Special Cards.
First Player — the first player in a new game Turn, denoted by the First Player Token.
First Player Token — the token that denotes First Player and which is placed on the player’s Great Old One card until the end of the Turn when it is passed anti-clockwise to the next player in the sequence.
Forfeit Control — where a winning Attacking player may choose to vacate a Node after removing all of the Defender’s units and in exchange may take up to 2 of the Defender’s Arcana cards from their hand.
Gates —
Gates Mishap Table —
Grand Conjunction —
Great Old One Cards —
Insane Cultists —
Ley Line —
Long Gate —
Maw of Azathoth —
Monsters —
Movement Phase —
Negating a Card —
Nodes (of Conjunction) —
Node Counters —
Node of Origin —
Node Deck —
Phase —
Random Gate —
Reincarnation —
Retreating —
Return of Azathoth —
Ritual of Conjunction —
Sacrifice —
Segment —
Sequence —
Servitor Race —
Spawning Card —
Spawning Node —
Spawning Phase —
Special Abilities —
Stable Gates —
Stacking Limit —
Summon Servitors —
Sympathetic Magic —
Target Node —
Turn —
Turn Marker —
Turn Sequence —
Uncontrolled Node —
Unstable Gates —
Variants of Play —
Void —