
Betrothed to Azathoth

This Great Old One actively seeks to sabotage all the other entities’ plans. Their winning conditions may include either holding each of the Spawning Nodes or preventing other Great Old Ones from meeting their winning condition until Azathoth’s return in Turn 10.

Players Fewer than Five

Some Elder Gods are slow to rouse, leaving their minions with no direction and open to attack.

The game may be played with a minimum of two (2) and a maximum of five (5) persons. For fewer than five persons, during the set-up phase, deal out the Great Old Ones cards, setting aside however many cards are left over, face-up adjacent to the board. Place five of the ‘sleeping’ Great Old One’s Cultists and two Servitors on each of their Alchemical Nodes. When these spaces are attacked by the players, remove the tokens and cast them into the Void.

When playing with only two (2) persons, the Great Old Ones place 20 tokens, 10 into each of two (2) Nodes of their choice in their Alchemical ring.

No Constellation Cards

Ignore the allocation of Constellation Cards and work from the base winning condition of five Nodes, one from each Alchemical ring. A Great Old One must still complete the Conjunction Ritual in each Node.

One Constellation Card

Deal one set of Constellation Cards face-up as the winning condition for all Great Old Ones. Place this in the centre of the board for all to see.