Gate Mishaps Table

(#): Die number rolled

(1) Driven Insane: Flip the Cultist over to the black side; they are now considered ‘Insane’ and no longer under the control of their Great Old One. The Great Old One to the right of the current Player now uses them to attack any remaining pieces in the Node the Cultists originated from with an attack value of 2d6. Insane Cultists cannot be driven off and will fight until slain (i.e. for both combat rounds). Any remaining alive after the attack remain in play until they are destroyed. Node Counters remain hidden when only Insane Cultists are in the space.

(2) Random Gate: Collect any randomly-gated Cultists together. Roll 1d6 and direct all Cultists towards an adjacent Node proceeding anti-clockwise starting with the Node to which they originally intended to travel designated as ‘1’, (see example below).

(3) Swap Sides: If the Node is occupied, the Cultist changes allegiance and becomes an additional token of the opposing Great Old One into whose Node you infringed. If the Node is unoccupied, the Cultist refused to leave its Node of Origin and stays behind.

(4) Lost in Void: Discard the Cultist.

(5) Long Gate: Collect any long-gated Cultists together. Roll 1d6 and direct all Cultists towards another Node in the Alchemical Ring they began in proceeding anti-clockwise with the next adjacent Node designated as ‘1’ (see example below).

(6) Sacrificed: The Cultist is lost but is replaced with a Servitor.