Rules Revisions

Post Geekend 2013, an annual convention of roleplayers and boardgamers held each year in Mangaweka, as well as various meetings and conversations with gamers and industry folk, I have begun a large-scale rules revision. The point of this is to move the game closer to a commercial footing where all elements are simplified and rationalised wherever possible and components are tweaked in preparation for further playtesting.

This has a cascade effect throughout the entire rules system – for example, one piece of feedback was that my choice of using different types of dice to represent the various factions in combat over-complicates the game and that I should instead look to rejig the system for use with d6 dice only. This in turn means that the section on combat requires rewriting, as do many combat cards.

Another is the mechanism I adopted for assigning the combinations of winning conditions. The transparent cards I manufactured are potentially either expensive and/or difficult to make but can be replaced through a separate deck as the total combinations of Node locations is 126 and not all combinations are probably required.

So now the hard work begins as I review the rules set from top to bottom and complete yet another iteration.