Conjunction Tokens

Each Great Old One collects a set of five Cultist tokens in each colour. These are used to signify the successful completion of a Conjunction Ritual as part of the winning condition laid out on their Constellation Cards. Each Great Old One begins with a token in the colour of their own Alchemical Ring (red, brown, green, blue or yellow), to signify control of their Spawning Node and this is placed at the top of the pentagon on their Great Old One card.

If at any stage Great Old Ones lose control of their Spawning Node, the token is removed until they regain control. You cannot win the game if you do not control your Spawning Node.

Additional tokens are collected from other Great Old Ones after a successful Conjunction Ritual is performed. When all five colours have been collected, the Great Old One has reached their Grand Conjunction – the stars are in alignment, and they have won the game.